In an article ostensibly oozing sympathy for civilians in Lebanon, we caught the NY Times lowering the death toll for Sunday's Israeli massacre in Qana, to 29 (see the last sentence in the screenshot above, taken from the Times's website on the evening of Aug. 2 PDT).
Authorities in Lebanon have said that the death toll in Qana was at least 57-60, with dozens of children killed. But the newspaper of record is doing damage control for the Israeli killers by arbitrarily lowering the number of their victims.
How is the NY Times able, on Aug. 2, a mere three days after the bombing in Qana, to arrive at a total number of deaths at Qana at 29? The Times does not say "an estimated" 29. It fixes the figure at 29 without qualification or reference to its revisionist source. In other words, this is "history" by New York Times fiat. This is the zionist mentality.
Has the Times sent a forensics team to Qana?
I think not. I think we are seeing the maufacture of history, holocaust-denial, and tampering with the documentary record, before our very eyes.
Something similar happened twelve years ago, in the wake of Baruch Goldstein's massacre at the mosque in Hebron on Purim, 1994. The 40 Palestinians he killed magically became 29 in the US media, and that phony figure has been the official death toll in Goldstein's massacre ever since.
"...the Lebanese government and the Lebanese Red Cross said they had confirmed 57 deaths in the attack and they stood by their figures....'It's confirmed that there are 57 bodies,' said Elias Diab, an official in the Lebanese Red Cross operations room in Beirut. 'Twenty-seven of them are children." Chicago Tribune, Aug. 3, 2006.
The Israeli invasion of Lebanon "has killed more than 900 people and wounded 3,000, with a third of the casualties children under 12, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said in a video message to the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Malaysia." [Reuters, Aug. 3. 8:33 a.m. EDT].
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Authorities in Lebanon have said that the death toll in Qana was at least 57-60, with dozens of children killed. But the newspaper of record is doing damage control for the Israeli killers by arbitrarily lowering the number of their victims.
How is the NY Times able, on Aug. 2, a mere three days after the bombing in Qana, to arrive at a total number of deaths at Qana at 29? The Times does not say "an estimated" 29. It fixes the figure at 29 without qualification or reference to its revisionist source. In other words, this is "history" by New York Times fiat. This is the zionist mentality.
Has the Times sent a forensics team to Qana?
I think not. I think we are seeing the maufacture of history, holocaust-denial, and tampering with the documentary record, before our very eyes.
Something similar happened twelve years ago, in the wake of Baruch Goldstein's massacre at the mosque in Hebron on Purim, 1994. The 40 Palestinians he killed magically became 29 in the US media, and that phony figure has been the official death toll in Goldstein's massacre ever since.
"...the Lebanese government and the Lebanese Red Cross said they had confirmed 57 deaths in the attack and they stood by their figures....'It's confirmed that there are 57 bodies,' said Elias Diab, an official in the Lebanese Red Cross operations room in Beirut. 'Twenty-seven of them are children." Chicago Tribune, Aug. 3, 2006.
The Israeli invasion of Lebanon "has killed more than 900 people and wounded 3,000, with a third of the casualties children under 12, Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said in a video message to the Organization of the Islamic Conference in Malaysia." [Reuters, Aug. 3. 8:33 a.m. EDT].
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