Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mayer Lehman of Lehman Brothers, slaveholder and exploiter of Black peopleRabbi Moses Maimonides: created the doctrine that Black people are sub-human, a concept which  spread through the American South.We are currently mailing Revisionist History Newsletter issue no. 54 (Sept. - October 2010) to subscribers....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Here is a typical example of Talmudic nonsense about Biblical patriarchs and the sacred Temple. Who could believe such rubbish about King Solomon and God’s Temple except the self-deluding denizens of the synagogue? In this article we learn that “hobgoblins” (mischievous devils) helped to build the Temple, and...

Monday, September 20, 2010

by Michael Hoffman | September 20, 2010Pope Benedict XVI and Anglican Archbishop Rowan Williams lead Evening Prayer at Westminster Abbey in London, Sept. 17, 2010Pope Benedict XVI has pulled off quite a coup over the past few days. He has charmed the Scots and the English and been embraced by the masonic...

Monday, September 6, 2010

In this week that marks the solemn 9th anniversary of the murder of thousands of Americans in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001 we present, in their memory and for the sake of bringing to justice the authentic perpetrators of this horrendous crime:American patriot hero David Ray’s Griffin’s brilliant summary analysis of the 9/11 conspiracyThe U.S. government and its mouthpiece media and academia are...