Thursday, May 26, 2011

The publication in our "On the Contrary” blog of this excerpt from an essay by Mr. Jackie Muhammad, is not to be construed as an endorsement of his views or those of the Nation of Islam. It is published herein to stimulate research, investigation and debate outside the narrow confines of what the Establishment gatekeepers of information regard as permissible.***The Role of Prominent Rabbis and Slavery...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Excommunication of St. Paul the Apostle by the Inmates of the Asylum known as the Post-Conciliar Roman Catholic ChurchBy Michael Hoffman • www.revisionisthistory.orgCatholics "cannot hold" to  St. Paul's declaration in 1 Thessalonians 2: 14-16 "without falling out of communion with the Catholic Church"— United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), May 24, 2011*****USCCB News...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Michael Hoffman’s Note: Daniel McGowan, PhD. is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (HWS) in Geneva, New York. He is one of the most astute supporters of the human rights of the Palestinian people, having created a memorial statue to the holocaust of Palestinians at his lakefront home, and founded Deir Yassin Remembered, the association dedicated to commemorating the...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Racist Rabbis Operate Missouri Bar-Accredited Continuing Legal Education Talmud Training for LawyersBY MICHAEL • May 19, 2011In the “seminar accredited for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) by the Missouri Bar” reported in the press release below, St. Louis, Missouri lawyers who attend will be schooled by Chabad rabbis in the Babylonian Talmud, a handbook on lying,...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Justice Breyer Recalls Legal Lessons of the HolocaustBy Jess Bravin | Wall Street Journal | May 17, 2011Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer on Tuesday, May 17, capped the National Days of Remembrance, the congressionally mandated commemoration of the Holocaust, by focusing on a legal legacy stretching from the Nuremberg Tribunal to present-day efforts to hold war criminals accountable, such as the...

Thursday, May 12, 2011

There was no evidence that Demjanjuk committed a specific crime. The prosecution in Germany was based on the theory that if Demjanjuk was at the camp, he was a participant in the killing -- the first time such a legal argument has been made in German courts!***Demjanjuk Convicted for Role in Nazi Death CampNew York Times May 12, 2011AN AFTERWORD BY MICHAEL HOFFMAN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWS THIS REPORTMUNICH...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Terror Alertby Michael HoffmanNew Yorker Michael Santomauro, an indefatigable revisionist writer and activist who resides, improbably enough, on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, is being targeted by a Zionist terror organization. The misnamed "Jewish Defense Organization" headed by the violent psychopath Mordechai Levy, has been terrorizing revisionist writers with impunity since at least the 1980s.In...

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Editor’s Note: This essay by Hans Krampe was published in Power newsletter, June 1, 2011, Issue Nr. 387, pp. 2-6, by Mrs. Ingrid Zündel, who prefaced it with the following remarks: “Michael Hoffman... will pass judgment on Hitler without so much as a blink of an always makes me ashamed to see him do that - because the criticism leveled at Mike below by Hans in my opinion richly deserved.”A...