Monday, October 19, 2009

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rightscatalyst@catholicleague.orgCatholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a front page story in the New York Times on the problem of child sexual abuse:Reporter Paul Vitello shows the shocking extent of child sexual abuse in Brooklyn’s Orthodox Jewish community. He also details the cover-ups that have long been aided and abetted by law enforcement.Where...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Family who lost 29 members in Gaza war: We envy the deadBy Amira Hass | Haaretz (Israeli newspaper) | Oct. 18, 2009Richard Goldstone visited the Gaza City neighborhood of Zaytoun in late June to tour the compound of the extended Samouni family, the subject of coverage here in recent weeks ("'I fed him like a baby bird,'" September 17; "Death in the Samouni compound," September 25). Twenty-nine members...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Just a note to say that I have been working on Revisionist History Newsletter no. 49.  I am using Nietzsche's methodology, particularly his concept of "resssentiment" to analyze the current state of the "Holocaust" revisionist and "white nationalist" movements. The article will be titled, "Nietzsche, the 'Jews' and the Goyim." It should be printed and mailed to subscribers in about a week.One...

Friday, October 9, 2009

CorenEditor's Note: In the following article Michael Coren, columnist for the Toronto Sun, exhibits the inhuman genocidal Talmudic mentality that inspires Sen. John McCain, most Republicans and some Democrats (like Sen. Schumer). Coren's column has disappeared from the The Toronto Sun's website (it used to be...