Thursday, May 31, 2012

A leader of the Russian Orthodox Church, "asked Mr. Putin to promise to protect Christian minorities in the Middle East.“So it will be,” Mr. Putin said. “There is no doubt at all.”Michael Hoffman’s note: While the New York Times article below is not as biased as some media reports which completely ignore the Christian victims of terror attacks perpetrated by the “insurgency" inside Syria, the...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Republicans Seek to Ban Sharia Law but give a free pass to Rabbinic Law:Why the Double Standard?By Michael HoffmanPlease raise this urgent issue in your church and community: ask your pastor and politicans who favor a ban on Sharia law, why extremely dangerous Rabbinic law, which is a proven threat to the health and safety of the most vulnerable Americans, is allowed to remain in force in our nation.Multiple...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

How do we define a truthful Christian?REVISIONIST HISTORY NEWSLETTERJune, 2012, issue no. 62 just published:"Proto-Rabbinic Tactics of Deceit and their Adoption by Churchmen during the Renaissance"By Michael HoffmanWhy can't the modern Catholic hierarchy give a straight accounting of the child molestation plague? Why...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

GOD IS NOT MOCKEDAn accursed people are defined as those who, contrary to God's will, are contracepting and aborting themselves out of existenceHow many children do you have, Mr. and Mrs. White Nationalist?"If the U.S. depended on white births alone, we’d be dead." -- Dowell Myers, Professor of Demography, University of Southern California_________________________________________Whites...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

In a little over three minutes Dr. Finkelstein reveals the basis of both Left wing and Right wing Zionism: the expulsion of the majority indigenous people from the land of Palestine. He cites this as a central principle of the Zionist ideology of the Israeli state....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dear Kellogg:re: report in BizBeat learned that you support comedian Jon Stewart’s insult to the Blessed Virgin Mary, I am writing to tell you goodbye, we will not be buying your products any longer. Our household consists of six people, four of whom are age 20 or younger. No Kellogg's...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Michael Hoffman's introduction: This review of Charles Murray's new book (see below) on the declining fortunes of whites in America, Coming Apart, is not reproduced in The Hoffman Wire as an endorsement, but rather to showcase the Establishment's take on his despairing book. Which is not to say that Mr. Hacker doesn't make some valid points in the course of his review. My own perspective on Mr....