by Michael A. Hoffman II
THE PHOTO: Note the sense of sterility and isolation in this photo. The "masses of people" from whom Bush allegedly derives his mandate are nowhere to be seen. Only spook-like figures in black suits and another black-suited man at a microphone. The aircraft in the background is supposed to connote the threat to aviation posed by terrorists, but it is more likely to summon the image of the bird of prey used by Israeli (state) terrorists to bomb Lebanon. Kennedy purported to impart a vision of "the New Frontier" and Johnson "the Great Society." The vision furnished by Bonesman Bush, as evinced by this staged photograph, is of a nightmare world drained of all life and subject to one man rule backed by secret agents.
THE VIDEO: The video of this speech shows Bush delivering "his" words with little passion or conviction. With a couple of exceptions when his voice rises slightly (for example, when delivering this line: "It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America"), Bush recites his statement in a drone-like monotone, rather than speaking with animation. There is a zombie quality of the ventriloquist's dummy, which Bush only half-heartedly attempts to conceal.
TWILIGHT LANGUAGE KEY WORDS: stark reminder | nation at war | Islamic fascists | will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom | this venture was excellent | there are people that still plot | people who want to harm us for what we believe in | we have given our officials the tools they need | we will take the steps necessary | we live in a dangerous world | our government will do everything we can | to protect our people | from ...dangers
DECRYPTION OF SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE: I repeat, we fascists are making war on Islam. We will use any means to destroy those who love freedom. This venture was excellent. We still plot to harm those who do not believe in us. Officials have the tools and will take the steps necessary to make the world we live in dangerous. Our rulers will do everything to protect officials from danger.
President Bush Discusses Terror Plot Upon Arrival in Wisconsin
Austin Straubel International Airport Green Bay, Wisconsin
Aug. 10, 2006. 10:54 A.M. CDT THE PRESIDENT: The recent arrests that our fellow citizens are now learning about are a stark reminder that this nation is at war with Islamic fascists who will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom, to hurt our nation. I want to thank the government of Tony Blair and officials in the United Kingdom for their good work in busting this plot. I thank the officials in Washington, D.C. and around our country who gather intelligence and who work to protect the American people. The cooperation on this venture was excellent -- cooperation between U.K. and U.S. authorities and officials was solid. And the cooperation amongst agencies within our government was excellent. This country is safer than it was prior to 9/11. We've taken a lot of measures to protect the American people. But obviously, we're still not completely safe, because there are people that still plot and people who want to harm us for what we believe in. It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America. And that is why we have given our officials the tools they need to protect our people. Travelers are going to be inconvenienced as a result of the steps we've taken. I urge their patience and ask them to be vigilant. The inconvenience is -- occurs because we will take the steps necessary to protect the American people. Again, I appreciate the close cooperation between our government and the government of the United Kingdom. The American people need to know we live in a dangerous world, but our government will do everything we can to protect our people from those dangers. Thank you. (End quote)
For further research: SECRET SOCIETIES AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE by Michael A. Hoffman II

THE VIDEO: The video of this speech shows Bush delivering "his" words with little passion or conviction. With a couple of exceptions when his voice rises slightly (for example, when delivering this line: "It is a mistake to believe there is no threat to the United States of America"), Bush recites his statement in a drone-like monotone, rather than speaking with animation. There is a zombie quality of the ventriloquist's dummy, which Bush only half-heartedly attempts to conceal.
TWILIGHT LANGUAGE KEY WORDS: stark reminder | nation at war | Islamic fascists | will use any means to destroy those of us who love freedom | this venture was excellent | there are people that still plot | people who want to harm us for what we believe in | we have given our officials the tools they need | we will take the steps necessary | we live in a dangerous world | our government will do everything we can | to protect our people | from ...dangers
DECRYPTION OF SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE: I repeat, we fascists are making war on Islam. We will use any means to destroy those who love freedom. This venture was excellent. We still plot to harm those who do not believe in us. Officials have the tools and will take the steps necessary to make the world we live in dangerous. Our rulers will do everything to protect officials from danger.
President Bush Discusses Terror Plot Upon Arrival in Wisconsin
Austin Straubel International Airport Green Bay, Wisconsin
For further research: SECRET SOCIETIES AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE by Michael A. Hoffman II
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