Wednesday, August 28, 2013

From the New York Times online, Aug. 28: Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar Jaafari repeated the Syrian government’s denials that it had ever used chemical weapons in the conflict with the insurgents, and said the accusations were a conspiracy by Western nations acting on Israel’s behalf.The ambassador rejected assertions by the United States, Britain and other Western allies that...

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Moscow Patriarchate: Acting as "international executioners," the US is sacrificing Muslims and Christians in SyriaAugust 27, 2013 - Moscow (AsiaNews) - As Western military intervention against the regime of Bashar al-Assad appears increasingly likely, the Russian Orthodox Church expresses "strong concern" about possible developments of the crisis, this following US charges that the regime used chemical...

Monday, August 26, 2013

My interview by journalist Mark Anderson on his call-in radio program has been archived and is available for listening online free of charge, as a public service. The program is approximately two hours in duration. It is centered on a discussion of the book, Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not.Saying the broadcast is "free of charge" is somewhat misleading in that my appearance...
Who could believe that only ten years after the last US government WMD hoax centered on the government of Iraq, we have John Kerry, instead of Colin Powell, pushing a weapons-of-mass-destruction claim against the government of Syria on the evidence of what — trial by media? One’s “conscience”? Why the rush to judgment?Why the need to bomb a sovereign nation and intervene in Muslim civil...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Radio program: Hoffman to discuss Usury Your editor will be discussing the thesis of his book Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not, on the American Free Press radio network beginning at 10 a.m eastern time, on Monday, August 26.The program is hosted by  journalist Mark Anderson.The show will be heard online at this link:

Friday, August 16, 2013

Questions on UsuryFrom D.L., Omaha, Nebraska:Michael,I have just completed reading your excellent book Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not, and am re-reading and researching various sections for further clarity. Here are questions and comments which I hope you can assist me with in whatever spare time may allow.1. If the popes from 1515 were manifest heretics on the issue...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

According to the Wall Street Journal of August 14, 2013, top members of the Egyptian military junta now ruling that nation after the coup are Israeli assets.The U.S. media are not calling the murder of more than 500 protestors a massacre because the killers are Israeli allies.In the eyes of the American media, everything that happens in the Middle East is weighed on the Talmudic scale of whether the...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Benjamin Keach (1640-1704) on those who reject Jesus"But here is sad News to such who slight this Salvation, and refuse Jesus Christ -- great will their condemnation be: the Men of Nineveh shall rise up in judgment with this Generation, and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and behold a greater than Jonas is here. The greatness of this...
The July-August issue of Culture Wars, a Catholic magazine published by E. Michael Jones, PhD., has an extensive review of Michael Hoffman's book, Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not.The review, titled "Has the Catholic Church Changed Her Teaching on Usury?" is authored by Anthony Santelli, PhD., a fomer professor at George Mason University and the founder and hedgefund...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Book Review Alexander McCaul’s “The Talmud Tested”Reviewed by Mickey HenryTribalTheocrat.comThe Talmud Tested, and Found Wanting“Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.”  Jeremiah 6:16 (KJV)Alexander McCaul’s The Talmud Tested, a...

Monday, August 12, 2013

The Talmud TestedA Comparison of the Principles and Doctrines of Modern Judaism with the Religion of Moses and the ProphetsBy Alexander McCaulProfessor of Hebrew and Rabbinic Literature at Kings College, London With an introduction and bibliography by Michael Hoffman“...unparalleled knowledge of Jewish history,...

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Once and Future Terrorism ©2013 by Michael HoffmanIn a front page story in today’s edition of the Wall Street Journal, the alleged Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev is linked to the populist, right wing newspaper, American Free Press, a national weekly which exposes government black ops.Strange...