Wednesday, May 29, 2013

In a 34 minute 50 second radio interview with Catholic author E. Michael Jones conducted by American Free Press editor Mark Anderson, at a point 31 minutes and ten seconds into the broadcast: Mr. Anderson says to Dr. Jones: "As Michael Hoffman has noted too, for so long usury was illegal, a sin, a disgrace —"(Jones interrupts Anderson): "First of all it has never ceased being a sin. The Catholic...

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

by Michael Hoffmanwww.revisionisthistory.orgRe: "Orthodox Jewish Scholar's Profound Words about Yeshua  Nazarene Space" Nazarene Judaism blog: current move is a cunning strategy. I have also seen it in the pagan New Age movement where "the Christ" is embraced as a divine...
www.revisionisthistory.orgThis writer has been invited to speak at the "America's Promise Annual Bible Summer Conference" in Sandpoint, Idaho, which will be held Friday July 26 through Sunday July 28. The town of Sandpoint is located in northern Idaho, on the shore of one of most beautiful bodies of water in North America, Lake Pend Oreille ( will...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

By Michael HoffmanWhile I regret that any arms are being sent to ether side in this horrible civil war, since some of the Gulf states that are implicated in advancing Wahabist/Salafist Islamic fundamentalism and the terrorism and anti-Christian repression that it is known for, are also shipping weapons to car-bombers and Christian-hating “Syrian rebels,” with the collusion of NATO, Great Britain and...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Advertisement banned by The American Conservative magazineAdvertisements for Michael Hoffman's book Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not are banned from the pages of The American Conservative magazine, a publication affiliated with Patick J. Buchanan. Advertising director Ronald Burr...

Friday, May 10, 2013

By Michael HoffmanThe Church of Scotland, under pressure from the ‘British Board of Jewish Deputies’ has suppressed its own ten-page report, “The Inheritance ofAbraham,” exposing the ungodly and unscriptural claims of Zionism to the land of Palestine.This astute and edifying report was issued only recently and then quickly withdrawn. Originally placed online at:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Evil Contents of the TalmudEditor's note: One of the obligations of an author is to reply to readers when they ask questions. Not all authors would agree with me, but that is how I see my duty. I often receive queries about Judaism and if they are sincere and demonstrate that the questioner has conducted some research on his or her own first, then I try to find the time to answer. Some weeks it makes...
The early Zionists denied the existence of Palestinians in 1882 when they arrived; it is even more shocking to find out that they deny their existence — beyond sporadic ghettoized communities — in 2013.By Ilan PappeUniversity of Exeter | Electronic IntifadaIn a regal interview he gave in April to the Israeli press, on the eve of the state’s  "Independence Day,” Shimon Peres, the current...