Wednesday, November 2, 2011

This is an announcement of two publishing events:

I. Judaism Discovered, Michael Hoffman’s encyclopedic reference work (1102 pages) on Judaism, intended for specialists, has been published as a digital e-book on the Amazon “Kindle." Judaism Discovered can now be read on the Kindle, iPad, Blackberry and Android.

II. Hoffman’s condensation of Judaism Discovered, the new book, Judaism’s Strange Gods has been published, ahead of schedule. It contains all of Hoffman’s main facts and most effective research exposing Judaism, in an easy-to-read, quality paperback. 

At 381 pages in paperback, Judaism’s Strange Gods is a shortened version of Hoffman’s huge hardcover reference work, Judaism Discovered, which is now out of print in hardcover and available only in the Kindle format.

This is the last call for  Judaism’s Strange Gods at the pre-publication price of $16.95 plus shipping.
The price will be going up in the next few days, so order now if you want it at the discount price.

If you pre-ordered this book, please be patient. We received more than 1300 (!)  pre-publication orders and we have one lady in the shipping room trying to ship all the books as fast as humanly possible, including foreign orders which require extensive customs forms.


Judaism is overwhelming the Tea Party and the Right wing, masquerading as a family values partner with patriots against the forces of evil. Hoffman blows that facade to smithereens in clear and understandable writing, and does so charitably and without hatred. The devastating facts are presented forcefully — there is no arguing with the data because it comes straight from the secret rabbinic texts themselves!

If Judaism’s Strange Gods receives sufficient publicity and distribution it has the potential to inspire the conversion of Judaizers, public admonishment of Judaism for its atrocious sins and errors, and the revival of the Kingship of Christ in our nation.

Contents of Judaism’s Strange Gods: Principal Sources of the Divine Law of Judaism; Judaism's Attack on the Prophets and Patriarchs; Judaism's Bible Code Nullifies the Word of God; Loopholes and Escape clauses; Lying; Bribery; The X-rated Talmud; Warrant for the Murder of Gentiles Groundwork for Talmudic Courts in America; Anti-Black Racism; Christians attacked in the Talmud; Judaism and Reincarnation; Star of Bohemia, Not David; Judaism and Abortion; Yom Kippur and the Kol Nidrei Nullification of Vows; Birkat HaMinim: The Curse on Christians; Child Molestation and Homosexuality; Priestcraft in the Synagogue; and much more!

Thanks to the donors and the investor who made the publication of Judaism’s Strange Gods in a quality paperback possible!

Now it’s up to you to spread the word about Judaism’s Strange Gods!



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