Saturday, August 14, 2010

Synagogues Permissible, but not Mosques?

"I am reasonably literate on the subject of what the religion of Orthodox Judaism actually believes and teaches in the synagogue, including execution of those who preach that Jesus Christ is God. As an American and a Christian I affirm  that a Talmudic synagogue is no more or less appropriate anywhere near "Ground Zero" in Manhattan than a mosque. Where did the Founding Fathers, the Constitution or the First Amendment stipulate that synagogues were permissible and mosques were not? Right wing Republicans are willfully ignorant of the evils of Talmudic law and stirred to rage over Sharia law. But this ignorance does not make synagogues any more acceptable than mosques. If a mosque is banned then a synagogue is liable to the same interdict. Our Constitution does not, however, provide for any house of worship of any religion, to be singled out for obstruction or suppression.”
- Michael Hoffman, author of Judaism Discovered 

Under the Synagogue’s Talmudic Noachide law those who worship Jesus Christ are subject to execution. Here is the documentation:

The rabbinic legal authorities of Orthodox Judaism decree that the worship of Jesus Christ constitutes idol worship (avodah zarah).
—Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Avodat Kochavim 9:4. Teshuvos Pri ha-Sadeh 2:4. Igros Moshe, Y.D. 3:129-6

Idol worshippers are liable to the death penalty under the Talmudic "Noachide Laws."
—BT Sanhedrin 57a

Rabbinic authorities decree that a building set aside for actual (rather than feigned) worship of Jesus Christ is a house of avodah zarah.
—Yayin Malchus, 234-237. Minchas Elazar 1:53-3. Yechaveh Da'as 4:45. Darchei Teshuvah 150:2. Tzitz Eliezer 14:91

Therefore, when passing a church, Judaics utter a curse upon it as follows: "Beis gee'im visach Hashem.”
—Birkath ha-Minim, 12th Amidah. BT Berakhot 58b

Research by Michael Hoffman 

Copyright ©2010 All Rights Reserved

The Talmudic Noah is not be confused with the Noah of the Bible. See Judaism Discovered pp. 496-499.

If you reside in the U.S., send your name and address and $1.00 for postage and handling for a free copy of our revised and updated flyer, The Truth about the Talmud: Judaism’s Holiest Book
 Mail to: Independent History & Research, Box 849, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816.

The preceding documentation is excerpted from Michael Hoffman’s book Judaism Discovered



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