Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Updated Aug. 28, 2010:

The inmates have taken over the asylum

"Look around you. You're not alone. You are Americans! You have the same steel spine and the moral courage of Washington and Lincoln and Martin Luther King. It is in you. It will sustain you as it sustained them.”

--Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck's rally, Washington D.C., Aug. 28, 2010


By Michael Hoffman | www.RevisionistHistory.org

If it weren't so steeped in misdirection and moronic self-contradiction, the spectacle of Fox TV savant Glenn Beck and sidekick Sarah Palin vying with "Civil Wrongs" demagogues to see who can surpass the other in venerating the memory of Martin Luther King Jr., would be amusing rather than stomach-churning. Mr. Beck is organizing a “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington D.C., which he will headline with Mrs. Palin on Aug. 28, the forty-seventh anniversary of King’s "I Have a Dream" speech.

Beck states: "...whites don't own the Founding Fathers. Whites don't own Abraham Lincoln. Blacks don't own Martin Luther King. Humans embrace their ideas or reject their ideas. Too many are rejecting the Founders' ideas. Too many have forgotten Abraham Lincoln's ideas and far too many have either gotten just lazy or they have purposely distorted Martin Luther King's ideas of judge a man by the content of his character. Lately, in the last 20 years, we've been told that character doesn't matter. Well, if character doesn't matter, then what was Martin Luther King asking people to judge people by?" (Washington Post, August 17, 2010).

This writer has long regarded the Ayn Rand-greed-is-good advocate Glenn Beck as a platinum-plated fraud, despite his lofty Jeffersonian rhetoric. In the preceding remarks we see Beck praising the tyrant Abraham Lincoln, the gravedigger of the American Republic, and Martin Luther King, the man who destroyed our freedoms of association (the right to serve and employ whomever we choose) and property (the right to house or decline to house anyone).

The King-inspired Civil Rights Act of 1964 eclipsed two of our key immemorial freedoms. Mr. Beck, who is a politician and a media carnival barker, not a philosopher or statesman, despite his chalkboard didacticism -- is oblivious. Bill Ayers, the Republicans' perfidous poster boy for all that is wrong with Barack Obama, is a cherubic choirboy in comparison with Martin Luther King. Yet Bipolar Beck execrates Ayers and exonerates King.

"You're a perfectionist, Hoffman. Beck may not always be right, but he occasionally says some useful things."

And you, dear reader, are suicidally myopic if you don't know that an enemy of truth almost never promotes complete falsehood, but mixes fallacies with facts to make the former more palatable; that is Mr. Beck's role in the Right wing alchemical theatre, which is staged to look like a summer camp for sincere patriots.

Beck is leading an enslavement movement posing as a revival of the Founding Fathers. It is double-minded to the core and this fact should be an indication to rational people, of the extent to which it is directed by dark forces. His "conservatism" is of a piece with Talmudic neocon-ism and other alien alliances touted by the Republican Tea partiers, such as, for example, the free ride which synagogues are getting while mosques are attacked as the pit of evil. Rational people do not primarily blame Muslims for 9/11, which was an inside job of the George W. Bush regime.

Rational people do not make a cult out of the suffering of only one ethnic group in a World War II that saw the deaths of 55 million people.

Rational people do not support a "free trade" policy that ships our jobs and industries to Communist China under color of building free enterprise in America.

Rational people do not legalize usury, a heinous sin for 1,500 years, until the ascendance of John Calvin, and build a financial system upon it, while hypocritical usurers like Beck talk piously about not working on the Sabbath. ("Beck said he believes it was 'divine providence' that the rally was scheduled on the anniversary of the King speech. He said he had initially planned the event for Sept. 12 and then realized it was a Sunday. 'I'm not going to ask anyone to work on the Sabbath,' he said. He rescheduled the rally for Aug. 28 because it was the best day for the schedules of the people involved." --Washington Post, August 17, 2010).

Rational people do not make a hero out of Ronald Reagan, who knew very well that King was a Communist, a demonstrable liar, a serial adulterer and a woman-beater. Nevertheless, with a shrug of his broad shoulders, this "conservative" presidential icon sentenced the youth of America to perpetual King Holiday public school brainwashing every January.

Because most Americans alive today have been mis-educated, they do not understand and have not embraced the concept of First Principles -- the belief that one proceeds from and tests all subsequent ideas and movements based on a bedrock of ancient truths, grounded in Scripture and the immemorial heritage of inalienable rights that flow from the Christian legacy. These God-given rights permit me, as a free man, to employ only Black people, or only Italian-Americans, or only WASPs, and permit me, as a free man, to refuse to rent my house to a Chinaman, an Irish Catholic, a Khazar, a Calvinist or Al Sharpton.

These rights may not always be prudent or courteous or charitable to exercise, but as a last resort, they permit a free man or woman the option to work with and house only those who he or she believes are best suited to their personal goals, beliefs and aspirations, and afford them the right to avoid those who would violate or obstruct those beliefs and pursuits.

When these rights of association and property are diminished or abridged, then I am diminished as a free man. King’s "dream” is a nightmarish signpost on a road to serfdom paved by the curtailment of individual freedom which the misnamed "Civil Rights Act" imposed.

Moreover, the mind boggles at the folly of including Abraham Lincoln in Beck’s patriot pantheon, the dictator who suspended the writ of habeas corpus, nearly jailed the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, closed newspapers, and arrested legislators and journalists (including the grandson of the author of the Star-Spangled Banner). Lincoln told the South that it did not have the right to secede from the Federal Union, even though the Founders of the nation had seceded from the British Union. When the smoke of Mr. Lincoln's war cleared, 600,000 Americans lay dead in one of the worst acts of fratricide in the annals of the West. Glenn Beck enshrines the tyrant who imposed this incalculable horror on our nation. Every president who has endeavored to govern like a monarch, from Franklin D. Roosevelt to George W. Bush, has invoked Lincoln’s despotic engorgement of the executive branch of government to serve as a template for their own executive usurpations.

By placing Lincoln and King on a pedestal, Mr. Beck is telling us what he really believes and who he actually serves, beneath his persona as the All-American exponent of the Constitution and apple pie. His adherents exhibit what William Blake termed, "mind-forged manacles." They are willing to be enslaved as long as it is under a veneer of liberty. If they continue to march behind their pudgy pied-piper, they will have their wish.

Copyright©2010. All Rights Reserved

Hoffman is the author of They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America. His writing is funded by donations and the sale of his books and speeches.



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