Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A witness saw a UFO in the southern sky this morning at around 6:00 am. (it may have been a few minutes earlier).

It was traveling from east to west.

The witness was standing on his front porch west of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, looking at a constellation after retrieving the morning newspaper from the driveway, and suddenly he saw what first appeared to be a meteor but was traveling much slower than a meteor -- it resembled more a white particle beam with a white head on it. (Also, he says there was no fireball).

It took about eight to ten seconds for the speeding light beam to get past the horizon and out of sight. There was no sound.

Fairchild Air Force base is approximately 40 miles west of the location where the light was seen.

He doesn’t know what it was, but he has seen many meteors and he insists this was no meteor. (The strange light is being explained away as a meteor with reference to another alleged object seen today).



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