Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Yom Kippur "Eve" Superstitions of Pagan Judaism 
(This year Yom Kippur proper begins at sundown on Sept. 13)

The superstitions of pagan Judaism 

Kaparot is not in the Bible - it originated in 9th century Babylon as part of "Jewish tradition"
"It is the custom on Erev Yom Kippur to ritually slaughter a white rooster during the morning ‘watch’ after Selichot, for then a thread of divine grace prevails in the world. We slaughter it to subdue supernal severities, and take out its blood to ‘sweeten’ the severities. It is called Kapparah (expiation), as was the scapegoat. Each member of the household should have a Kapparah — a rooster for each male and a hen for each female. A pregnant woman should have three fowls: a hen for herself, and a rooster and a hen for the unknown gender of the child.” 
— "Order of Kapparot” in Machzor for Yom Kippur (Brooklyn: Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch, 2004). (The text goes on to stipulate that the chicken must be rotated around the head nine times. Also, Kaparot is spelled alternately with one p or two; either is acceptable — M.H.)

Kaparot paganism as conducted in the Mea Shearim Talmudic ghetto, Jerusalem, Sept. 10, 2013:

If you think Orthodox Judaism is of the Bible, then you need to have your head examined (and your chicken coop locked) 

Babylonian sorcerer shlugging kaporos, Jerusalem, Sept. 10, 2013

In Jerusalem Talmudic youth stare glumly at chickens sacrificed in the Babylonian ritual of kaparot

Research by Michael Hoffman 

For more research data see this link:




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