Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Long Count Calendar's December 21 Day of Doom and the Seven Day Anniversary of the Newtown Child Sacrifices

By Michael Hoffman
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The Long Count Calendar from which our contemporary false prophets derive their December 21 doomsday prognostication is actually not Mayan. The Long Count Calendar predates the Mayans. Its origins are in the Mexican antecedents of the Mayans, the dreaded Olmecs.

Olmec death cult figurine 

The Dec. 21 date has been awaited with world-wide fear and trepidation, although as I write these words it is already December 21 and nothing spectacular has occurred.

For purposes of this analysis, we are not interested in the fact that the ancient Mayans may not have seen this Dec. 21 "turning point" as anything fearsome or worrisome. Some scholars have said that the dawn of a new Mayan epoch would be a cause for celebration for the ancient Mayans, not doom. This is not germane to our study.

We are interested in synchronicities and tracking the occult process whereby the Group Mind of humanity is alchemically shaped and programmed.

December 21, 2012 coincides with the seven day anniversary of the massacre of 28 persons (including the shooter) which took place in the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown (New Town) Connecticut.

Like the Olmec/Mayan New Epoch, the Newtown anniversary is being marked with widespread tension, in this case in American schools from coast to coast, where rumors of students bringing guns to school are rife.

What we are observing as we arrive at the Olmec/Mayan Long Count Day of Doom, December 21 (a meme put forth by shadowy forces) is a wave of fear, one of the most potent of all human energies. Can this collective fear be harnessed in the same way that the ancient Mexicans believed that blood sacrifice could be harnessed by their dark gods?

The United States of America has made quite a show of sympathy for the 27 victims of Adam Lanza; in partcular the focus of pity has been on his sacrifice of 20 little children. As a means of expressing collective grief and rage, our nation is in the midst of centering its wrath on the weapon Lanza used to sacrifice the children, with calls to severly limit the availability of certain types of firearms.

There has been very little national soul-searching however, over the karmic consequences of the routine, mass abortions of infants in America. The mass sacrifice of infants in America's abortion mills is pitiless. The sacrifice of American children through abortion elicits very little sympathy on the order of the passionate response to the Newtown child sacrifice. Hypocrisy is a dehumanizing element, corrosive of soul and spirit, including the national psyche and spirit.

As we have noted, the Long Count Calendar predates the Mayans, and originates with the Olmec of ancient Mexico, the predecessors of the Mayans. The chief characteristic of the Olmec religion was a death cult centered on the sacrifice of children.

Olmec child sacrifice

What we have on December 21, 2012 is strange brew: 1. Enormous anxiety and fear for the past twelve months over what Dec. 21, 2012 would bring or portend. 2. The one-week anniversary of one of the most spectacular and depraved mass murders of children in American history, coinciding with a prophecy put into motion more than 2,000 years ago by a state religion dedicated to child sacrifice.

Can these patterns be accounted for by dismissing them as “coincidence,” or do we detect in them the “long count” of a primordial, malevolent intelligence?

Hoffman is the author of Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare and the editor of the newsletter, Revisionist History. His latest book is Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not.



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