Friday, October 5, 2012

By Michael Hoffman

Archbishop Gerhard Ludwig Müller was recently appointed the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (responsible for enforcement of dogma), by that other German shepherd, Pope Benedict XVI (Josef Ratzinger). The October 4, 2012 issue of the National Catholic Register online features an interview with Archbishop Müller. Here is an excerpt:

National Catholic Register: "Is it possible for reconciliation with Bishop Richard Williamson within the Society (of St. Pius X - "SSPX")?"

Archbishop Müller: "Williamson is a separate problem to this reconciliation process. It is simply unacceptable that a Christian or even more a bishop — of course he is not a Catholic bishop, as a bishop is only Catholic when he is in full communion with the Pope, the Successor of Peter, which Williamson is not — denies all that the Nazis had done against the Jewish people, their exterminations. How is it possible to be so cold-hearted about this? It is absolutely unacceptable, but this is a separate problem." (End quote).

Here is Shoahbiz theological-'history' as embraced by the magisterium of the Catholic Church, to which every Catholic is bound to submit. Catholics are ordered to be completely smitten with the new religion of Holocaustianity, and believe "all that the Nazis had done against the Jewish people" (according to Judaic and Allied propaganda).

This is the new dogma: a viewpoint of men concerning secular history has now become divine writ. If you dare to doubt the high priests of Holocaustianity, and you believe instead Arthur R. Butz, Robert Faurisson, Germar Rudolf, Carlo Mattogno, Thies Christophersen, Fred Leutcher, Thomas Dalton, Samuel Crowell and many other revisionist scholars, scientists and historians who say there were no fatal gassings in Auschwitz-Birkeanu, then you are a "cold-hearted" heretic who will be booted out of the Catholic Church. You can doubt the Israeli holocaust in Gaza and the Allied holocaust in Dresden, but it would be heresy to allow former Max Planck Institute doctoral candidate Rudolf to doubt the chemistry of the holy relics of Auschwitz.

Am I a heretic for thinking that the Northern Union that defeated the Southern Confederacy was a genocidal, racist regime due to the massacre of the American Indians which Union generals like Sherman, Sheridan and Custer perpetrated in the American West, after defeating the South? Do I open myself to ecclesiastical censure by asserting that contemporary Orthodox Judaism is the spiritual heir of the same ideology that crucified Jesus? Will I be called to Rome for denying that Elie Wiesel is a saint?

The only historical facts that Catholics are bound to acknowledge are found in the Gospels and summarized in the Creed.  The neo-Platonist papal 'hermeneutic of continuity' puts the perjured and/or confused testimony of the "eyewitnesses" to the supposed homicidal gas chambers of Auschwitz on par with the witnesses to Christ's Resurrection in Palestine. Actually, some Catholics doubt Christ's resurrection and no heavily publicized persecution of those skeptics issues from the Vatican. In Catholicism, the alleged execution gas chambers of Auschwitz are more sacred that Christ's Resurrection. So we have an idol to which all must bow, and Bishop Williamson, performing his Biblical duty by refusing to bow, is persecuted by the pope and bishops as a heretic. This is the world turned upside down.

The pope and his prelatical shepherds of the flock do not speak with authority. They speak with about as much lucidity as the Mad Hatter at the Tea Party of Alice in Wonderland. Who can credit such men as spiritual guides, or Christian authorities?

The Vatican has been performing doctrinal somersaults and betrayals of Catholic Truth for many hundreds of years, long before the Enlightenment. To discover the root of modernism in the Catholic Church one must look all the way back -- to the dawn of the Renaissance, and the rise of the most palpable darkness that ever came out of the bottomless pit, as this writer's forthcoming book, Usury in Christendom, will endeavor to demonstrate.


Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not, is in the proofreading stage and scheduled to be sent to the printer October 12. The printing will take about eight weeks. We will announce a pre-publication sale very soon. Thanks are due to the folks who prayed for us and/or contributed financially. Your prayers and donations allowed us to complete the book without having to rush it. (We're still trying to raise funds for the largest possible printing of the first edition, rather than a limited edition, and for print and direct mail advertising)...Revisionist History newsletter subscribers: issue no. 64 is delayed due to our work on the book. We will commence production on the newsletter next week. Your  patience and understanding are appreciated).



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