Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Truth is Out in the Open for all Who Have Eyes to See

Of Human Alchemy and the Gay Science

By Michael Hoffman
Copyright ©2012 www. 

My mentor, the late James Shelby Downard, looked at conspiracy data from many angles, including geo-occultic. He wondered why the creation and destruction of primordial matter (the world's first atomic bomb blast) occurred near the 33rd degree line of north parallel latitude; why it was was named the Trinity site, and occured on the ancient Jornada del Muerto ("Journey of the Dead Man"). He saw none of these sitings as "coincidental." He firmly believed that sorcery was not abandoned when Satanists engaged in science.

In my book Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare I pursued these research leads in terms of magical and masonic rites which were once secret and now very much in public, open-air -- a kind of civic magic, which is part of the human alcehmy of The Process.

By way of illustrating human alchemy let us recall that Friedrich Neitzsche popularized the nickname for alchemy, the "gay science."

In 1996, according to Pew Research, 65% of the American public opposed homosexual "marriage." That figure seems artificially low, but for purposes of argument, let's accept it, for the time being. Pew reports that in 2012 only 44% of the American people oppose homosexual marriage.

Even if the latter figure is also too low, there is no question that in a mere 16 years homosexual marriage has gained acceptance among an increasing number of Americans. The gay science marches on and manages to process Americans away from a bedrock of Christian civilization. We are not being processed toward a more conservative, Biblical America, but away from it. How is this done? The techniques are numerous, but one of them involves the Name Game. Homosexuality came to be called "gay" beginning in the 1970s, losing some of its stigma in the process. "Gay" marriage came to be called "same sex marriage" beginning in the late 1990s. Even that term was not sufficiently comsetic and neutral enough, so the alchemists cooked up the phrase "marriage equality" in the 21st century, and that too has been widely adopted as Newspeak. Who has the power to impose these name changes on our language? The purveyors of human alchemy.

What does this have to do with our patriotic nuclear weapons program that produced our patriotic holocausts in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Everything. The atomic bomb was the zenith of the gay science that is also producing "marriage equalty," a "marriage equality" of which Jesus Christ was ignorant, since He defined marriage as follows: "From the beginning of the creation God made them male and female. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh" (Mark 10:6-8).

One perversion is a reflection of another, but most people will not see this, nor do I expect them to see it. But those who do will have the "knowledge of the equilibrium." Modern Christians mostly do not have that discernment, though it is their patrimony by the Holy Spirit. God's enemies do possess it, by another spirit, a counterfeit Trinity Sight. It is a sad spectacle to witness the willful blindness of so many who blab about their allegiance to Jesus Christ.

In the following letter, the symbolism mentioned at the top of this note is linked to a phenomenon beyond the atomic bomb --the next stage of Skynet's alchemical advance: ubiquitous drones imposed not on Afghans, but the American people, as part of the same chimerical "war on terror" police state that "Veterans Against Obama" will inherit if and when they elect Masonic Mormon Mitt Romney, just as surely as it will still be in place if Obama is reelected.

I say "chimerical" because the US government sponsors the terror so it can keep extending and justifying a domestic police state to fight it. Certainly our support for the Al Qaeda terror bombers in Syria who recently killed the Syrian government's top Christian general, is evidence of that. For those who have eyes to see, that is. Most do not, because they have not the love of the truth by which they might be saved: "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved" (2 Thessalonians 2:10).

Revelation of the Method = The 33rd degree of Truth or Consequences.


Dear Mr. Hoffman

While perusing the "" site I ran across an article concerning the next advances in "drone" warfare and the training facility for drone warfare personnel at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. The details of the article deal with the usual talking points concerning drone warfare which you may review at:

The real "revelation" in the article is found in the paragraph which I have lifted in its entirety from the article:

"Such critics may consider it apt that Holloman straddles the Jornada del Muerto 'Journey of the Dead Man’ -- the macabre Spanish name for the perilous, waterless shortcut through the wilderness once used by Billy the Kid. Situated on a high desert plain, the base bakes by day, shivers by night and witnesses spectacular lightning storms. It has evocative neighbors. To the east, Roswell, which the conspiratorially minded already associate with humanless aircraft; to the west, Truth or Consequences, a town named after a 1950s radio quiz show."

As you stated so eloquently in Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare, the evidence is all around us out in the open for all to see!


The latest issue of Michael Hoffman's hardcopy Revisionist History newsletter no. 63 is now being mailed to subscribers. 


The Quadrennial Return of the 'Lesser of Two Evils’ Meme For the umpteenth time in recent memory, our hidden rulers have given us no choice in the upcoming presidential election. Michael Hoffman analyzes the implications of this lesser of two evils rerun in the 2012 election in terms of Mitt Romney and his criminal politics. We propose an effective alternative to this scam!  

Romney's Masonic Mormonism: Big players at high levels of the Mormon Church are backing Romney's presidency. What is Mormonism? What are its historic links to Freemasonry? Is Temple Mormonism a secret society? Is Mormonism part of the dictatorship of secret societies that rule America? Mormon Temple rituals are secret: we'll penetrate the curtain and reveal them to you, along with the secret history of the "God makers" - the Mormon church in America. 

Predictive programming and ritual stagecraft: The Batman movie shooting synchronicities: Hoffman examines the Aurora, Colorado movie theatre shootings: the hidden cryptocracy connections and ritualistic symbolism of yet another spectacular massacre in the American heartland, which the media are blaming on a "lone nut." 

Also: A Forgotten Sept. 11 Massacre • Israeli law-maker Michael Ben- Ari tears pages out of the New Testament and calls it "garbage" (Romney and Obama are silent). • The 007 Olympics • Gangster Mickey Cohen, and more 

To purchase this issue alone, or a subscription, click here:

(Exclusive subscriber content: Revisionist History Newsletter issues do not appear online)



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