Monday, July 16, 2012

Question: Define what politics means to you - waking people up, or what?

Hoffman: No, politics is not mainly about education or awakening, which is a different process. Politics consists in motivating people to act on what they already know is wrong. If you are an effective politician you are able to rouse people into action; that's politics. It comes down to courage vs. cowadice. Do we have the courage to act, or do we just continue to spectate and talk? There is nothing more contemptible than using the aibi that it is "too late," as an excuse for one's cowardice.

Question: So, are you an educator or a politican?

Hoffman: An educator awakens people and a politician organizes them once they are awake. It is two different roles, often confused. Hundreds of thousands of people in America are awake but they are not organized. As for me, I will do either, educate or organize. There is so much fear and timidity that it is difficult to organize, however. I research, write and teach for the present.

Question: Why the fear and lack of organization?

Hoffman: Because agents of paralysis have told the people that it is too late.

Question: Who are these agents?

Hoffman: Isn't the answer to that obvious?

Question: What is your opinion of Ron Paul?

Hoffman: He's wonderful on foreign policy and issues of war and peace. He's abysmal on capitalism and the economy because even though he wants to abolish the Federal Reserve he would enable usury. His campaign is over now. It seems he's endorsing war-Zionist Romney; a tawdry spectacle.

Question: Was the Ron Paul campaign what you would call politics?

Hoffman: Yes. Certainly Rep. Paul organized people, the question is, to what end? To lead them off a cliff with Romney and the two party system? Paul had millions of followers. I'm not talking about most of them when I refer to the hundreds of thousands of people who are awake. The ones I'm referring to are alert to pure evil. Mr. Paul's followers are awake to symptoms of the evil. There is a huge difference.

Question: What is this pure evil?

Hoffman: This is not a difficult question. It is staring us in the face and if you know your Bible it jumps off the page at you: the love of money is the root of evil. Ron Paul's people mostly don't know that. They want to enable the love of money.

The problem with the hundreds of thousands on my side who do know that greed is the issue, is that they have been targeted and persuaded by the agents of paralysis into thinking "it's too late - go and hide with your guns and ammo, stored food and water and gold and silver hoard."Hence, the battle is lost without a shot being fired. It is through the process of hiding in despair that the gulag is made to function and the police state will hunt us down. Those who know what's wrong should be, as a matter of survival, engaging in politics; organizing, not hiding.

Michael Hoffman's latest book is a study of the rise of the Money Power in Christendom, "Usury: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now Is Not." It will be published when sufficient funding is obtained.



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