Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is the Derogation of Calvary and the Ascendance of Auschwitz "your fight"?

by Michael Hoffman

If you have been privy to the reasons Bishop Richard Williamson's Catholic SSPX order has dismissed him as seminary rector, exiled him to London, placed him under a gag order and refused to offer public prayers for his welfare, then you know they have been saying it is because the "Holocaust is not our fight."

Even if that were the case, Bishop Williamson's views on history could never justify his persecution by his own order. If the hierarchy of the SSPX had wanted to distance themselves from Bishop Williamson's views on matters of secular history having no bearing on faith and morals, they could have done so, while at the same time pointing out that judging debates about world history does not come under the authority or competence of clerics or Catholic fraternal societies, in which case Bishop Williamson would still be rector of a seminary, free to have an opinion and exercise his office as bishop.

Had Bishop Williamson denied the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians he would have faced no repression of any kind from the Vatican or Bishop Bernard Fellay, the head of his order. If Palestinians had insisted that the Church silence and suspend Bishop Williamson on the grounds that he denied the holocaust in Palestine, the Vatican and the SSPX would have surely refused, rightly stating that it is not their duty to pass judgment one way or another on controversies in secular history.

Instead, we witness the tragic politicization of the Church, whereby the history of the alleged German gas chamber "Holocaust" against Judaic persons has a much higher claim on Catholic belief than does the Israeli holocaust against the Palestinians. Most Catholics would pour scorn on the idea that a bishop must be suppressed to placate Arabs because he cast doubt on the Israeli holocaust in Palestine. But "The Holocaust," as the suffering of Judaic persons during World War II has come to be known as a result of the imposition of a type of Newspeak, has in fact entered the Catholic Church and assumed a position as a de facto sacred dogma.

We must no longer run from the fact that the religion-of-Judaism-for-gentiles which this writer terms "Holocaustianity" derogates the Passion of Our Lord in favor of the notion that the supreme suffering of all history was experienced at Auschwitz by Judaics. This is the stated position of Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley and of many other bishops and cardinals of the modern Catholic Church.

The SSPX, said to be a priestly fraternity that wishes to defend the Church as it existed prior to Vatican Council II, would appear to be complicit in cooperating with the modernist infiltration of the rabbinic Shoah theology into the Church, and priests and laity of the SSPX are told that this modernist infiltration is not their fight. Indeed, by their silence and inaction they are party to this subversion.

I have a question for the hierarchy of the SSPX: If the derogation of Calvary in favor of Auschwitz as the supreme martyrdom in world history is not your fight, what is?

I have witnessed the SSPX hierarchy expending a significant amount of time and energy kowtowing to Holocaustianity. I have seen them do nothing noteworthy, however, about the rapidly increasing use of the name of Jesus Christ in Hollywood movies as a swear word.

I have not the seen the SSPX expend any energy whatsoever on James Cameron's campaign to convince the world that Jesus Christ did not resurrect from the dead.  Mr. Cameron, one of the wealthiest and most powerful directors in Hollywood, produced a documentary movie for the Discovery television channel entitled, "The Lost Tomb of Jesus." This sophisticated  movie, broadcast to millions, endeavors to show that the decomposing bones of Jesus were once held inside a tomb located by Cameron's team of Resurrection-deniers.

Last I knew the Apostle Paul had nothing to say about gas chamber denial, but he did solemnly warn about the consequences of Resurrection-denial: "If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." (I Cor. 15:14). There is no Church and no Faith if Christ did not rise from the dead. It would seem that Hollywood Resurrection-deniers such as James Cameron are striking at the very heart of what it means to be Catholic, yet resistance to this diabolism has been neutralized. How has this neutralization come to pass?

Against James Cameron's campaign of Resurrection-denial, the SSPX have had nothing to say. Cameron's most recent New Age science fiction movie "Avatar" is the highest grossing movie of all time. No Catholic boycott was launched against it.

What the SSPX forgets, whether willfully or not, is that Holocaustianity is akin to the "smoke of Satan" which afflicted another and earlier pontificate of unhappy memory. By embracing the Vatican's acceptance of the revolutionary, modernist Shoah theology which has as its goal the ascent of Auschwitz to the ontological position of the greatest and most egregious suffering in all of human history -- ahead of Christ -- the SSPX is breathing an infectious smoke which in many other respects perverts its judgment and skews its priorities. It has certainly perverted the judgment of Pope Benedict, who has entered three synagogues in less than five years, wherein he encouraged the assembled Pharisees to continue in their traditions. This papal abomination in the synagogues is a symptom of a profound spiritual malaise, undoubtedly emanating from the grave disorder that inclusion of Shoah theology in the Church has sown.

About this horror, the SSPX is oblivious. In fact, in so far as the evidence indicates, the SSPX has become a party to it. I draw the reader's attention to an article published in the December, 2009 issue of The Angelus, the official organ of the SSPX in the United States, entitled "Saint of the Sanhedrin" containing grotesque praise for the wicked Pharisee Hillel, elementary errors in the history of the Talmud, and a flattering fantasy about the Pharisee Gamaliel. The editor of The Angelus has refused to retract this misleading and deceptive article which would have been suitable for publication in the bulletin of the B'nai B'rith or the journal of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Meanwhile in Ireland the SSPX has issued a statement affirming the "Holocaust" that reads like a press release from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

No reasonable person expects the SSPX to join the ranks of World War II revisionists and debate the forensic chemistry of Zyklon B in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Rather, we are calling on them to resist the modernist heresy of Holocaustianity, which the Vatican, with unprecedented lawlessness, has made a litmus test for holding ecclesiastical office.

To the SSPX we say, since Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre founded your order, resistance to modernism has been "your fight." Since there is no more pernicious manifestation of modernism in our time than Holocaustianity, why then have you fled the field of combat under cover of anemic alibis and whining subservience to the new Vatican theology which has substituted Auschwitz for Calvary?

Hoffman is a former reporter for the New York bureau of the Associated Press. He is the author of seven books including The Great Holocaust Trial (1985); Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare (2001) and Judaism Discovered (2008). Hoffman edits Revisionist History Newsletter and the RevisionistHistory.org website. He first met Mgr. Lefebvre in 1979 in Oyster Bay, New York.

For Further Research: 
Revisionist History Newsletter no. 47: "The New Catholic 'Shoah' Theology: Alibi for the Revolutionary Overthrow of the Gospel of Jesus Christ" by Michael Hoffman. 16 page study of the errors of the modern Vatican teaching on Pharisees, Judaism, Sacred Scripture, St. Paul and Holocaustianity. 

This column is available as a flyer in a PDF file suitable for printing. To obtain a copy of the PDF leaflet version of this column, e-mail us with the subject: Request PDF file of "Some Questions." Our e-mail address is hoffman[at]revisionisthistory.org (substitute @ for [at] in the preceding address).



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