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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Zionist paper asks, “is the Pope Catholic?"

New pope’s favorite work of art is reputed to be Chagall's Talmudic mockery of Christ 

Michael Hoffman’s Afterword follows this report:

Understanding Pope Francis's Surprising Affinity For Jewish Art
World's Top Catholic Worships Marc Chagall

By Menachem Wecker
The Jewish Daily Forward (excerpt) | April 8, 2013

Gallery 395A is tucked away in a corner on the third floor of the Art Institute of Chicago’s modern wing...which contains...Marc Chagall’s “White Crucifixion” (1938)...the Chagall painting has been making international news. In interviews with Francesca Ambrogetti and Sergio Rubin for the 2010 biography El Jesuita, Pope Francis identified “White Crucifixion,” which depicts a Jewish Jesus, wearing a tallit instead of a loincloth, as his favorite work of art. “He likes us, he really does,” Tweeted Miriam Shaviv, a columnist for Britain’s Jewish Chronicle, about the pope.

But there’s more to the painting than “owning” Jesus as a Jew. Surrounding Jesus, we see a synagogue, a Torah scroll and a shtetl burning, as armed men march carrying red flags. And in the bottom-right corner, the Wandering Jew, donning a blue cap and a green coat, lugs a sack as he trudges past the smoking Torah.

That the chief executive of the Catholic Church has an affinity for a painting that was created by a Russian-Jewish artist and also includes the symbol of the eternal wanderer, who was punished for abusing Jesus and became the pretext for centuries of anti-Semitism, is drawing a range of reactions.

"...“I know nothing of the pope’s taste, so I have no idea why he likes that painting,” said Matthew Baigell, who is professor emeritus of art history at Rutgers University and has published extensively on Jewish artists.

Marc Michael Epstein, professor of religion at Vassar College, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., sees things differently. The notion of a Jewish Jesus and its reference to Jews and other marginalized groups is very appealing post-Vatican II, he said....

Chicago’s (Jesuit) Loyola University Museum of Art is exhibiting some of Chagall’s work in “Graven Images: Marc Chagall’s Bible Illustrations” through June 16.... Jonathan Canning, senior curator at the Loyola museum...declined to comment specifically on the pope’s aesthetic preferences...Canning says that Chagall was clearly introducing a new interpretation of the crucifixion..."

(End quote)
Afterword by Michael Hoffman

Tedious, strait-jacketed thinking is the signifier in this report (“He likes us, he really does,” Tweeted Miriam Shaviv, a columnist for Britain’s Jewish Chronicle, about the pope.)

Actually Miriam, if the 2010 biography of the pope is accurate, he doesn't like you, or the Judaic people collectively. The assumption that because someone, in this case Pope Francis, is a shill for the Pharisees, he is thereby "pro-Jewish," is platitudinous rubbish.

Artist Marc Chagall depicts Christ being crucified while dressed in the garb of a Pharisee. What would the world think of the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem if he admired a painting of a "Jew" being "gassed in Auschwitz" wearing the uniform of a Nazi?

Chagall, in his delirium, portrays the victim of the Pharisees dressed as a Pharisee. Chagall's depiction is a familiar Talmudic trope. It constitutes a disfigurement of Jesus Christ, who stated (in Matthew 23:5-7), that the long tassels (tzitzit) extending from the bottom of the prayer shawl (tallit), were a fixture of prideful display by the Pharisees. In "White Crucifixion" Chagall depicts Jesus garbed in this very attire, with long fringes hanging from the bottom of the garment clearly visible.

If this is a favorite painting of Pope Francis —  Rome's "Peter Romanus” — then he has some explaining to do. For now it appears he is pandering to political correctness of the most virulent type, in order to be seen as hip, kosher and in tune with the world. Someone needs to remind His Holiness that the man on the Cross was none of those things.

Hoffman is the author of Judaism’s Strange Gods.


Rabbis Curse and Threaten Secretary of State John Kerry

(Editor’s note: this news report has received almost no attention in the U.S. media)

"Kerry has declared war on God," say hardline rabbis; warn of divine punishment

Rabbis warn Kerry to stop negotiations, "In order to avoid severe Heavenly punishment for everyone involved."

Jerusalem Post | February 5, 2014 

A group of rabbis, including the founder of the far-right Our Land of Israel party, wrote in an open to letter to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that he had declared war against God through his current mediation efforts between Israel and Palestinian negotiators, and said he must cease such activities to avoid divine punishment.

The letter was sent by the Committee to Save the Land and People of Israel, founded by Rabbi Sholom Dov Wolpo, who also founded the Our Land of Israel party, as an activist group to oppose political accords with the Palestinians involving territorial concessions.

“Your incessant efforts to expropriate integral parts of our Holy Land and hand them over to Abbas’s terrorist gang, amount to a declaration of war against the Creator and Ruler of the universe! For G-d awarded the entire Land of Israel to our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, in order that they bequeath it, as an everlasting inheritance, to their descendants, the Jewish people, until the end of all time,” the letter reads.

The rabbis argue that Kerry’s plans endangers Israeli Jews by bringing them within close range of potential rocket and missile fire from the West Bank should it be ceded by Israel to the Palestinians.

“If you continue on this destructive path, you will ensure your everlasting disgrace in Jewish history for bringing calamity upon the Jewish people,” continued the rabbis

“By the power of our Holy Torah, we admonish you to cease immediately all efforts to achieve these disastrous agreements – in order to avoid severe Heavenly punishment for everyone involved,” they threatened.

The letter was signed by Rabbi Wolpo, along with four other rabbis including Rabbi Yisrael Ariel, the founder and Chairman of the Temple Institute; Rabbi Yigal Pizam, the Dean of a Yeshiva and a leader of the Chabad community in the Haifa neighborhood of Kiryat Shmuel; Rabbi Gedalya Axelrod, the emeritus head of the Haifa Rabbinic Court; and Rabbi Ben Tziyon Grossman from the town of Migdal Haemek.

Michael Hoffman's Afterword

The religion of Judaism = self worship

"God" in the rabbinic context = Judaic men

Cursing the gentiles = nothing new (see below*)

*The rabbinic curse on gentiles like John Kerry is 2,000 years old - and still in force! The proof is here:

What did Martin Luther really teach about the "Jews" and Judaism?
This CD has the answers:


Monday, February 3, 2014

Judaism’s Eternal Curse on Christians

Announcing our latest issue



Denied for centuries, this bigoted curse from the misnamed “Amidah blessings” is proved by Michael Hoffman, using the forensic methods of exhaustive research and detailed documentation which are a hallmark of his revisionist pursuit of truth wherever it may lead. 

Revisionist History newsletter no. 70 explores Talmudism’s murderous ritual curse on the Christians, a curse which has echoed perpetually down the corridors of time since at least the days of Rabbi Gamliel, and continues in our time. Citing the Babylonian Talmud, cognate sacred rabbinic texts and the heretofore clandestine statements of the rabbis themselves, Hoffman offers incontrovertible evidence of the eternal hostility which Orthodox Judaism harbors for western civilization, which it ritually curses as malkhut zadon (the "empire of insolence"). 

Also included in this issue is a survey of the secret and ancient alliance between Judaism and Islam. 

The American Right imagines that Judaism is united to the West culturally and has good will toward the U.S. in particular. The truth of the matter is very different, as revisionist historian Hoffman demonstrates with his usual exactitude. 

Also in this issue: Black Journalist Exposes Anti-White Hollywood Movie, “12 Years a Slave.” 

Revisionist History is a hard copy publication for subscribers. Contents do not appear online.



Formerly available only as the first CD in the 9 CD set of Hoffman reading from Luther's book, we are offering this CD as a stand alone product for individual purchase by those who do not wish to purchase the whole set of 9 CDs consisting of Hoffman's recitation of Luther's book (if you purchased that set then don't buy this CD, because you already own it). Hoffman clarifies Luther's position and presents the pros and cons of Luther's teachings on Judaism and Judaic persons. Outstanding nuggets of revisionist history will be found here! Approx. 45 minutes. Audio CD.
